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The Centre

The Ayahuasca and San Pedro International Research Center

Center for the study of Consciousness


The Ayahuasca and San Pedro International Research Center was founded in 1997 by Sayre Tupac Wiracocha in order to create an opportunity for all kinds of people to receive the profound teachings of ancient cultures and their Wisdom Plants, while visiting some of the most powerful spots on the planet.


Today it has naturally evolved into a retreat that serves as a base from where to explore and research the development of consciousness, the human condition, mind and practice and to be updated by the latest information that pertains to human evolution. This is a meeting place of the fields of Physics, Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, Biology, Conscientiology, Quantum Consciousness and Dharma Philosophy, as well as the innate, intuitive information that the Wisdom Plants offer; helping us to realise our multidimensional nature.


The aim is to try and offer effective answers for the questions: Who are we? What are we doing here? Where are we going? We need to realise that we are consciousness in evolution and enable ourselves to advance on this path where we can blossom our Mindful Intentionality and Manifest New Possibilities in this relative reality, full of Awareness and Potentiality.



It is very important for us that participants understand that there is a gradual path to the understanding of the Wisdom Plants. Our aim is to gradually raise the awareness and try and bring you the innate information within the plants – which is not separate from you. In the end it is not important how "high you fly", but it is what you can integrate of that journey into your daily life.



We are providing a Middle Way, a gradual way to clean the “hard disk” which is “Mind” and then to show you multiple gateways to limitless possibilities to “reboot” yourself. This is so YOU can see clear what is there and has been there since always… the Radiance of How itisness of how things truly are, and that responds to the Intuitive Order within.



Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way, on purpose (you have a goal or motivation) in the present moment. It has to be with equanimity, without subject, object or interaction. This means without pushing away things that we don’t like, and without pulling in things that we do like. It means embracing anything and everything. And trying to do this non-judgmentally. Bringing acceptance and openness to see what is happening in one’s own mind and one’s own brain and mental experience. This can increase well-being as well as self exploration, resulting in the development of wisdom.



The Ancient Initiation Wisdom Plants are specially designed to awaken the neuroreceptors for Noumenona. They are neuro-receptors that facilitate connectedness to that 90% of our potential consciousness that is invisible and not accessible to us at present in our everyday lives. That consciousness is what is embedded in noumenona. These neuroreceptors can allow us to get in contact with expanded forms of perception and consciousness, with Dark Matter and Dark Energy that permeates noumenona and make up between 80%-90% of the environment. This gives us the realization and experience of our True Nature and Source. From this viewpoint we can experience quantum leaps of transformation in our conscious, mental and physical states.



Here is when Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity will start to operate.


We are trying to build a new neuro-network and to reorganise the old neuro-network so to create a platform from where we can intend a reality of "everything is possible". A new network that focuses body, speech and mind and bringing these back to a harmonious, balanced configuration. 


Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the human brain to change as a result of one's experience. It is the changing of neurons, the organization of their networks and their function via new experiences.


The brain consists of nerve cells/neurons, which are interconnected and changes happen by laying down new pathways for neural communication and strengthening the pathways between certain existing neurons. The human brain is even able to generate entirely new cells (neurogenesis).


With “directed neuroplasticity,” we can by our own intention and effort deliver specific repetitive patterns of stimulation (Entrainment), to cause desirable and specific changes in the brain. Entirely new functions can even, perhaps, be gained, as well as getting rid of old destructive tendencies and patterns. But it is only with Practice and constant repetitions that this new connections get consolidated and affirmed. Giving birth to new connections and potentials.


This will enable you to develop your potential and awake your gift of intentionality, and so be an effective creator of your own reality.



Epigenetics is the control above the genes – meaning that your genes do not harbor control over you, but that your perception of the environment can rewrite your genetic code. This will not change your DNA, but will change the read-out or outcome of the DNA. So you are not limited by your genes, but you are limited by your perception and the belief of the world you live in. As fast as you change your perception is as fast as you change your cells.


2/3 of all medicinal healing is caused by the placebo effect…. It is the mind of the patient that heals the patient, not the drugs. Awaken the Healer inside oneself!


It has been proven that Conscious mind only operates 5% of the day. Subconscious Mind is 95% and it works like a machine. It can be programmed and then continues in automatic. It is our experiences that influences Subconscious mind and it is this subconscious mind that creates our biology.


So why do people struggle to create their own realities in everyday life? Because we create from our Conscious Mind when the Subconscious Mind has the upper hand according to biology. So if we change the patterns/beliefs in our subconscious mind (as during journeys with the Wisdom Plants and certain Practices) you are not a victim of this any more, but you are the master of your own reality of this world we live in.


The Center offers the environment, the tools and practices to aid us in creating a new neuronetwork of subconscious connections and imprints.


The Center is located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in the town of Urubamba, Cusco, Peru. The surrounding Apus (mountain consciousness), power places and ancient ruins emanate a large amount of primordial energy that has the ability to ripen and enforce the innate wisdom, intuitive order and potential within all of us.


In 2010 we had to say goodbye to our old base where the Center was housed since its inception in 1997. These buildings were more than 100 years old and were in dire need of renovations, which they are still undergoing. Now we are in another space, just a few blocks away. Most of the cactus have been transplanted thanks to the efforts and funds raised by the Center’s Greening Project, from sales of medicines. Thank you for those supporting this Project still.


We look forward to sharing this amazing environment and space with you!

Who wants to be the same again...and again...and again?


It is time to allow the NEW to blossom NOW

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